Congratulations!! It's Official!

You're On the Road to a Brighter Financial Future!

Wait... One More Step Left

If you chose to make your payment with your credit or debit card, we'll process your payment, and email you a receipt. You're all set.

If you chose to make your payment by Zelle, please go to your Zelle and send your payment to

If you chose to make your payment by Venmo, please go to Venmo and send your payment to @momentumcap

Make Your Payment & We'll Get To Work Rejuvenating Your Credit!

We've partnered with SmartCredit for credit monitoring services.
SmartCredit is trusted by over 4 million customers.

In order to rejuvenate your credit, we have to be able to import your credit reports to our back-office system.

SmartCredit is fully compatible with our Credit Rejuvenation Platform. Throughout our credit rejuvenation process we need you to subscribe to SmartCredit, so that we can import your credit reports and updates, access it to generate correspondence to creditors and the credit bureaus, monitor the changes, and give you access to it all through your Client Portal.

Once you’ve signed up with SmartCredit, email us your username and password so that we can log into your account, import your credit reports, conduct a complete Credit Analysis of all three credit reports, and then send out your first round of disputes.

We want to get your first round of dispute letters out in the next 24 hours, so we ask that you do this immediately.

Email your SmartCredit log in info to us at 

Once we’ve received the SmartCredit login information we’ll email you a  confirmation and get right to work!

When we send each round of disputes to your creditors and the credit bureaus, our Platform will automatically email you a notification so that you can monitor our progress.

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